24-hour gastroesophageal double pH monitoring acid and alkaline gastroesophageal and duodenogastric refluxes in pediatric patients
Wang W, Ji S, Wang H, Wang W.
OBJECTIVE: To study the pathophysiologic significance of gastroesophageal and duodenogastric-esophageal refluxes in pediatric patients.
METHODS: Gastroesophageal double pH monitoring was performed on 68 children with gastroesophageal reflux (GER) diseases and 39 normal children.
The pH shifts in the intragastric and esophageal lumina were recorded for a total of 24 hour period (P1) and for the period of gastric empty (P2) in supine and upright body postures.
RESULTS: The following reflux types were identified: acid GER in 40 cases (58.8%), alkaline GER (AGER) in 8 cases (11.8%), mixed GER (MGER) in 14 cases (20.6%) and silent GER (SGER, i.e., reflux with normal pH values in P1) in 6 cases (8.8%) as well as duodenogastric reflux (DGR).
The results showed a number of transient GER and DGR (19 of 39 children) in the control group, recorded mainly in the upright position at meal times and 2 hours postprandially.
All pH variables for acid reflux were higher in the acid GER and MGER groups than those in the control group (P < 0.01).
The alkaline episode was significantly noted in cases with AGER and MGER in the supine position during P2.
There was no significant difference in terms of incidence of esophagitis between GER groups.
The gastroesophageal double pH monitoring produces the higher positive diagnostic rate of 91.2% than single esophageal pH testing (79.4%).
CONCLUSIONS: Transitory GER and DGR at meal times and 2 hours later might be a physiologic phenomenon.
Acid and alkaline reflux occurring in the supine position during P2 should be considered of pathologic significance.
This combined gastroesophageal pH monitoring is used not only to improve the diagnostic rate but also to guide clinicians to choose efficient anti-reflux therapy based on the type of reflux as well as to provide refined information for the further study of the pathophysiology of duodenogastroesophageal reflux.
PMID: 11189231 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Chin Med J (Engl). 1998 Oct;111(10):881-4.
24-hour gastroesophageal double pH monitoring acid and alkaline gastroesophageal and duodenogastric refluxes in pediatric patients.
Wang W, Ji S, Wang H, Wang W.
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Second Clinical College of China Medical University, Shenyang 110003, China. |