Parkman HP, Hasler WL, Barnett JL, Eaker EY. Electrogastrography: a document prepared by the gastric section of the American Motility Society Clinical GI Motility Testing Task Force. 2003 Apr;15(2):89-102.

Популярно о болезнях ЖКТ Лекарства при болезнях ЖКТ Если лечение не помогает Адреса клиник

Авторы: Parkman H.P. / Hasler W.L.  / Barnett J.L.  / Eaker E.Y.

Electrogastrography: a document prepared by the gastric section of the American Motility Society Clinical GI Motility Testing Task Force

H.P. Parkman1, W.L. Hasler2, J.L. Barnett2, E.Y. Eaker3

1 GI Section, Department of Medicine, Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, USA
2 Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
3 Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, University of Kansas Medical Center, KS, USA

Abstract. The objective of this document is to present the consensus opinion of the American Motility Society Clinical GI Motility Testing Task Force on the performance and clinical utility of electrogastrography (EGG). EGG is a non-invasive means of recording human gastric myoelectrical activity or slow waves from cutaneous leads placed over the stomach. In healthy volunteers, EGG tracings exhibit sinusoidal waveforms with a predominant frequency of 3 cycles per minute (cpm). Clinical studies have shown good correlation of these cutaneous recordings with those acquired from serosally implanted electrodes. The amplitude of the EGG waveform increases with ingestion of caloric or non-caloric meals. Some patients with nausea, vomiting, or other dyspeptic symptoms exhibit EGG rhythm disturbances or blunting of meal-evoked EGG signal amplitude increases. These abnormalities correlate to some degree with delayed gastric emptying of solids. In selected patients, EGG may be complementary to gastric emptying testing. To date, no therapies have convincingly demonstrated in controlled studies that correcting abnormalities detected by EGG improves upper gastrointestinal symptoms. Proposed clinical indications for performance of EGG in patients with unexplained nausea, vomiting and dyspeptic symptoms must be validated by prospective controlled investigations.

Figure 1. One commonly used electrode placement for electrogastrography recording is shown. Active electrodes are positioned below the left costal margin and, between the xyphoid process and umbilicus. The electrode positioned in the right upper quadrant is a reference or common electrode.

Открыть статью Parkman HP, Hasler WL, Barnett JL, Eaker EY. Electrogastrography: a document prepared by the gastric section of the American Motility Society Clinical GI Motility Testing Task Force. 2003 Apr;15(2):89-102 в новом окне (формат pdf, 1,87 Mb).

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