Cherkashchenko N., Krolevets T., Livzan M., Popello D. Clinical aspects and the role of adipokines in gallstone disease in patients with non-alcoholic fatt y liver disease. P0645. UEG Journal, 2019, Vol. 7(8S)iv. Abstract issue, p.447.

Популярно о болезнях ЖКТ Лекарства при болезнях ЖКТ Если лечение не помогает Адреса клиник

Авторы: Черкащенко Н.А. / Кролевец Т.С. / Ливзан М.А. / Попелло Д.В.

Clinical aspects and the role of adipokines in gallstone disease in patients with non-alcoholic fatt y liver disease

Cherkashchenko N.1, Krolevets T.2, Livzan M.3, Popello D.4

1 Federal State Budgetary Institution of Health ‘West-Siberian Medical Center’ FMBA Russia, Omsk, Gastroenterologist, Omsk, Russian Federation,
2 Federal State Funded Educational Institution for Higher Education Omsk State Medical University Mini, Internal Medicine Propaedeutics, Omsk, Russian Federation,
3 Federal State Funded Educational Institution for Higher Education Omsk State Medical University Mini, Internal Medicine (Intermediate Level) and Occupational Diseases, Omsk, Russian Federation,
4 Federal State Funded Educational Institution for Higher Education Omsk State Medical University Mini, Omsk, Russian Federation.

Русскоязычная версия: Клинические аспекты и роль адипокинов в течении желчнокаменной болезни у пациентов, страдающих неалкогольной жировой болезнью печени.

Contact E-Mail Address: dvpopello (a)

Introduction: Close relationship between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and gallstone disease (GD) has been proved. Being aware of the specific features of the diseases the issue remains burning due to constant increase of patient number because of elevating the metabolic risk factors among the population, including obesity, overweight, diabetes mellitus type 2, dyslipidemia, etc.

Aims & Methods:

Objective: Update the comorbidity information about NAFLD and GD, evaluation of clinical and laboratory data, including insulin, leptin and adiponectin in patients with NAFLD in combination with GD.

Materials and methods: According to the design, the open comparative study with 215 patients with NAFLD was conducted. The following comparison groups were formed: group 1 (n = 94) - patients with NAFLD without GD, group 2 (n = 63) - patients with NAFLD and GD and group 3 (n = 58) - patients with NAFLD, GD and previous cholecystectomy.

Results: A high prevalence of coronary heart disease was detected in the group of patients with GD and cholecystectomy (X2=6.198, p≤0.05); positive, statistically significant correlation relationships of cholelithiasis, cholecystectomy with ischemic heart disease (rs = 0.172, p≤0,05 and rs=0.241, p≤0.05, respectively). There was a statistically significant decrease in total bilirubin and total protein in patients in group 3 (H=7.376, p≤0.03 and H=6.345, p≤0.04). Insulin and leptin resistance were registered in patients with NAFLD and GD: insulin level 14.5 (7.12-35.78) mkED/ml), HOMA-IR (5.23(2.35-11.45)), leptin (14.53(9.56- 28.67) ng/ml), its soluble receptors (8.03(3.98-9.45) ng/ml). There was a statistically significant increase in adiponectin (U=1106, p≤0.05) for patients with NAFLD and GD. The level of leptin was statistically significantly higher and positively interrelated with cholecystectomy (H=5.812, p≤0.05, rs=0.313, p≤0.05).

Conclusion: Patients with NAFLD, GD and previous cholecystectomy have a high incidence of coronary heart disease; the phenomenon of insulin and leptin resistance, a high level of adiponectin were determined in patients with NAFLD and gallstone disease; hyperleptinemia was registered in patients with NAFLD and GD after cholecystectomy.

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

27-я Объединенная Европейская Гастроэнтерологическая неделя UEG Week 2019Данная публикация — тезисы доклада (abstract) на 27-й Объединённой Европейской Гастроэнтерологической Неделе UEG Week 2019, г. Барселона.

Тезисы (abstracts) всех докладов UEG Week 2019 (pdf, 12,4 Mb):

См. также: Параскевова А.В. Объединённая Европейская Гастроэнтерологическая Неделя 2019 (United European Gastroenterological Week 2019) //, 2019.

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