Cesario S., et al. Novel MII-pH parameters are able to distinguish patients with GERD among subject with extra-esophageal symptoms presentation. P0592. UEG Journal, 2019, Vol. 7(8S) iv. Abstract issue, p. 428.

Популярно о болезнях ЖКТ Лекарства при болезнях ЖКТ Если лечение не помогает Адреса клиник

Авторы: Cesario S. / de Bortoli N. / Savarino E.V. / Frazzoni M. / Di Chio T. / Franzoni L. / Russo M. / Miraglia C. / Crafa P. / Marchi S. / Di Mario F.

Novel MII-pH parameters are able to distinguish patients with GERD among subject with extra-esophageal symptoms presentation

Cesario S.1, Bortoli N.D.2, Savarino E.V.3, Frazzoni M.4, Di Chio T.2, Franzoni L.1,
Russo M.1, Miraglia C.1, Crafa P.1, Marchi S.5, Di Mario F.1

Перевод на русский язык: Новые параметры pH-импедансометрии позволяют выявлять среди пациентов с внепищеводными симптомами больных ГЭРБ

1 University of Parma, Department of Medicine and Surgery, Parma, Italy,
2 University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy,
3 University of Padua, Department of Surgery, Oncology and Gastroenterology, Padua, Italy,
4 Baggiovara Hospital, Digestive Pathophysiology Unit, Modena, Italy,
5 Clinica Medica I/II Complesso S.Chiara, Dipartimento di Medicina Interna - Università degli Studi di Pisa, Pisa, Italy

Contact E-Mail Address: silvia.cesario(a)studenti.unipr.it

Introduction: The novel metrics from pH-impedance monitoring, postreflux swallow-induced peristaltic wave (PSPW) index and the mean nocturnal baseline impedance (MNBI) appear particularly useful for the diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The threshold values for PSPW index and MNBI are 61% and 2292 Ω respectively.

Aims & Methods: We aimed to evaluate the power of PSPW index and MNBI to predict PPI response in patients with extra-esophageal syndrome. We enrolled 44 consecutive patients (M/F 19/25, mean age 48.8±14.3 yrs, BMI 24.7±5.6). The predominant symptoms were hoarseness (76.1%), globus (73.9%) chronic cough (63%), sore throat (60.9%), throat discomfort (43.3%) and heartburn (38.6%). They underwent EGD according to Los Angeles classification. Off-medication pH-impedance was performed.

Results: According with the pH-impedance results GERD was confirmed in 17 out of 44 pts (group GERD) and 27 subjects resulted negative for reflux (group No-GERD). Upper endoscopy showed erosive esophagitis in 7 out 44 pts (15.9%). Acid refluxes were significantly higher in group GERD (26.8±19) than in group No-GERD (10.4±8.3) (p=0.0003). Weakly acid refluxes didn’t differ between the two group (group GERD 14.4±12.8 vs. group No-GERD 9.6±6, p=0.099). PSPW index and MNBI had shown a significantly lower value in group GERD (MNBI 1660.6±489 Ω; PSPW index 36±16.8%) than in group No-GERD (3222±671.2 Ω; PSPW index 73.4±11.8%) (p < 0.0001).

PPI response was higher in group GERD than in group No-GERD for both heartburn (10/17 group GERD vs 1/27 group No-GERD) and extra-esophageal symptoms (11/17 group GERD vs 1/27 group No-GERD) (p< 0.0001). Patients with a positive response to PPI, regardless of group which they belonged, had lower MNBI and PSPW index values (MNBI p=0.003; PSPW index p=0.003).

Conclusion: The evaluation of PSPW index and MNBI showed statistically significant differences between GERD and No-GERD patients and between PPI responders and PPI non-responders. MNBI and PSPW index are the best parameters to identify patients with GERD and the response to PPI therapy, underlying the importance of evaluation in clinical setting of patients with GERD.

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose

27-я Объединенная Европейская Гастроэнтерологическая неделя UEG Week 2019Данная публикация — тезисы доклада (abstract) на 27-й Объединённой Европейской Гастроэнтерологической Неделе UEG Week 2019, г. Барселона.

Тезисы (abstracts) всех докладов UEG Week 2019 (pdf, 12,4 Mb): https://www.ueg.eu/publications/abstractbook

См. также: Параскевова А.В. Объединённая Европейская Гастроэнтерологическая Неделя 2019 (United European Gastroenterological Week 2019) // www.gastroscan.ru, 2019.

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