The diagnostic equipment for functional gastroenterology

Equipment for intragastric pH-metry
Gastroscan-5M in ON Clinic Intragastric pH-metry is a process of an electrometric measurement of acidity directly in a gastrointestinal tract by a pH catheter and the recorder. This method is based on potential difference occurrence between two electrodes one of which is intended for comparison, and the second for oxidation in an excited environment of GI tract. Intragastric pH-metry include acidity measurement in an esophagus, a stomach and a duodenum.

There are following kinds intragastric pH-metry:

  • Short-term standard intragastric pH-metry (within 2-3 hours), a free mode of selection of drugs and adjustment of drug dosage. The Gastroscan-5 and AGM-03 are applied to these procedures.
  • 24-h gastric рН monitoring (or 24-hours gastric pH-metry). Duration of the procedure is 24 hours or more. The Gastroscan-24Gastroscan-GEM are use.
  • Intraendoscopy pH-metry (during a gastroscopy). The AGM-03 is applied.

More information about the equipment for intragastric pH-metry read: Trifonov M.M. Devices and Probes for Intracavitary pH Monitoring // Biomedical Engineering. 2003. Vol. 37. № 3. pp. 156–160.
Equipment for research of a gastrointestinal motility
stroscan-GEM (Splanchograph) in experiment Mars-500We have two types of instruments to study the motility. The first - the hydravlic capillary infusin manometry system Gastroscan-D with water-perfused multilumen catheters. The second - the device Gastroscan-GEM for recording of a electrical activity due to the gastrointestinal motility using surface electrodes cutaneously.

The Gastroscan-D used in the following tests:
  • Esophageal manometry
  • Advanced upper esophageal sphinter manometry
  • Antroduodenal manometry
  • Anorectal and colonic manometry
The Gastroscan-GEM used for:
  • Short-term standard cutaneous electrogastrography
  • Short-term standard cutaneous electrogastroenterography
  • 24-h cutaneous electrogastroenterography
Equipment for impedance-pH-metry
Intraluminal impedance allows detection of bolus movement in the gastrointestinal tract without the use of radiation. In clinical applications it is combined with pH-metry, allowing a better evaluation of the functional characteristics (ie, bolus transit) of esophageal motility abnormalities. When impedance measurements combined with pH monitoring, it provides more comprehensive data on both acid and nonacid gastroesophageal reflux. We has developed and manufactures impedance-pH-monitor Gastroscan-IAM and special Z-pH-catheters for simultaneous measurements of impedance and pH in a gastrointestinal tract.

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