
Apparatus for recording of EGEG

Gastroenterogram recorder
Splanhograph (space version
of the serial EGEG
recorder Gastroscan-GEM)

SPLANH Experiment
The Splanh Experiment is the part of the program "Man in Space" performed in the International Space Station.

Receiving fundamental data on structural-functional state of different sections of gastroenteric tract, organs and vessels of abdominal cavity, retroperitoneal space and mechanisms on which they are based, which determine features of the digestive system changes in weightlessness.

  • conduct of the initial series of studies to reveal a specific character of electric activity of different sections of gastroenteric tract in weightlessness
  • determination of biochemical factors using flight complex
Expected Results:
Receiving new complex data revealing features of the digestive system state and investigation of mechanisms defining this state and, in particular, hemodynamic one, related to deceleration of venous drainage from the abdominal cavity venous system.

Experiment Results:
The results of epicutaneous electrogastrogram are recorded during examination on the memory card of autonomous device Splanhograph as files. The results of biochemical examination are recorded in the Table of biochemical examination results, photographed and transmitted though radio system channels to downlink data to the ground after each examination.

Cosmonaut Sergey Ryazansky Cosmonaut Oleg Kotov
Cosmonaut Sergey Ryazansky.
ISS. Expedition 38
Cosmonaut Oleg Kotov.
ISS. Expedition 38
Cosmonaut Yelena Serova Cosmonaut Aleksandr Samokutyayev
Cosmonaut Yelena Serova.
ISS. Expedition 41/42
Cosmonaut Aleksandr Samokutyayev.
ISS. Expedition 41/42
Cosmonaut Yelena Serova and scientific supervisor of the Splanh experiment Boris Afonin Cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov
Cosmonaut Yelena Serova and scientific
supervisor of the Splanh experiment
Boris Afonin. IMBP. Moscow
Cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov.
ISS. Expedition 42/43

"In accordance with the modern trends in gastroenterology, the preliminary diagnostics uses the method of cutaneous electrogastroenterography (EGEG). This method does not require any special medical training, and computer programs for the evaluation of the study results make it easier to draw conclusions. Determined with the use of this method is the status of the gastro-intestinal tract (GIT) as a whole and of its various divisions: stomach, duodenum, jejunum and ileum, the entire small intestine and large intestine. The method of cutaneous EGEG makes it possible to determine the status of GIT by the frequency bands of the GTI electrical potential oscillations. Each division has its own band.

The principal investigator of this medical experiment onboard the ISS RS is the IMBP of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The experiment is conducted during a six-month mission, which provides an opportunity to record possible gastro-intestinal tract changes caused by the long mission.

The Splanh experiment is conducted using the Splanh-1 kit and the equipment for biochemical analysis of blood Reflotron-4.

After waking up in the morning, without having breakfast, we prepare the Splanchograph device for the studies. We attach electrodes to the body; connect them to their connectors on the Splanchograph device. We start recording electrogastroenterogram, which takes about four hours. During recording, the device is worn at the waist.

Also before breakfast, we perform analysis of the capillary blood sample taken from a finger using analyzer Reflotron-4. While the device operates independently, we have breakfast and carry out the work that is not related to the experiment. Then we take another blood sample. This is needed for an indirect estimate of the efficiency and aspects of the GIT operation. Then we perform final operations, which include dismantling the setup, removing the electrodes and stowing the hardware away. We copy obtained EGEG from the memory card of the device to the memory card "Splanh-1.Data" and downlink to Earth via MCC communications links" (Sergey Ryazansky, 2014.12.30). 

The scientific supervisor of the Splanh experiment is Ph.D. BV Afonin, the curator is SV Zhurova.

More photos about the gastrography from ISS are here.

The first photo by Istok-Sistema, the next 5 photos by IMBP, the last photo by An. Shkaplerov's twitter.

Логотип Исток-Системы

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