Желудочно-кишечный тракт (ЖКТ)


Website Functional GastroenterologyOur website Functional Gastroenterology (www.gastroscan.ru) is the leading and most extensive online resource in Russian in the gastroenterology.

The Russian part of the website contains some thousands of medical articles, guidelines for physicians on the diagnosis and treatment of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, abstracts of dissertation for degrees of Candidate and Doctor of Medical Sciences.

There are several sections for patients: recommendations for patients with digestive tract diseases, addresses and phone numbers of leading Russian gastroenterology centers and clinics, reference drugs used to treat gastro-intestinal tract disorders and medical terms.

The website Functional Gastroenterology has the special section containing a great number of photos and drawings of applications functional gastroenterology devices at diagnostics and treatment of digestive tract diseases.

Cosmonaut Oleg Kotov. The experiment on research of a functional condition of digestive system Sp;anh. Photo by IBMP. The Russian part also contains sections with the description of diagnostic devices of functional gastroenterology and medical methods of their application and information about the company Istok-Sistema, which develops that devices.

The English part of the website is much smaller the Russian part and contains only basic information about the company Istok-Sistema and devices for the study of the gastrointestinal tract produced by Istok-Sistema and about the use of our devisies in the space exeriments:


Логотип Исток-Системы

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